The Head of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Olena Yevdokimova was awarded the Joint Forces Commander Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk "For Valor and Loyalty" for active assistance in carrying out tasks in the area of the Joint Forces operation to repel and deter armed agression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.The award was presented by the Deputy Commander of the Joint Forces for Moral and Psychological Support, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yevhen Kovalenko.

This is the second year that the fruitful cooperation of scientists of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with psychologists of the sector of moral and psychological support of the Joint Forces Command continues. Researchers focus on the prevention of offenses among servicemen. Such phenomena as legal nihilism, legal infantilism, legal cynicism are being studied.

Further joint activities are planned to strengthen combat discipline and increase the legal awareness of servicemen.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA