Olena Shakhova, Kateryna Mannapova and Alla Moroz took part in the annual XIII International Scientific and Practical Psychotherapeutic Conference "Symphony of Gestals and Psychodrama", held in two formats – online and full-time.

The conference participants saw more than 20 workshops from psychodramatists and gestaltists, learned new trends in the theory and practice of hastalt and psychodrama, increased their professional level and exchanged experience with colleagues, gained their own individual client experience and participated in group work.

The main topics of the conference were: "Marital and female-male relationships", "Psychosomatic diseases", "Protective mechanisms of the psyche", "Child-parental relations", "Experiencing loneliness, anxiety, guilt, shame", "Crises and injuries" and many other topics.

Associate Professor Olena Shakhova conducted a master class devoted to the work in the gestalt approach, researching strategies for meeting needs, finding resources, being in a meta position. Associate Professor Kateryna Mannapova held a master class on "Psychodrama in work with children and adolescents", where participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of the method of child and adolescent psychodrama.

The conference also hosted workshops and lectures from prominent foreign psychologists: GATLA trainer Jay Levine of Florida (USA), Peter Phillipson of Manchester (United Kingdom), Irena Pigeons of Riga (Latvia).

New interesting information will be used with benefit in working with students.

PR Department of KhNUIA