Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6 Ella Vakulovych and Lecturer of the same Department Hanna Hofeld, with the Judge of the Dzerzhynsk District Court in Kharkiv Tetiana Shtykh held an online binary lesson for 3rd-year students of the faculty № 6 on discipline "Civil Process" on the topic "Claim Proceedings. Preparatory Proceedings and Consideration of the Case on the Merits".

During classes, issues regarding the content and form of a claim statement and other statements on the merits of the case, possible procedural actions during the specified stages of the civil process, and the procedure for consideration of the case on the merits were considered. Particular attention was on the possibility of settling a dispute with the participation of a judge, discussed the procedure and terms of the settlement, as well as the grounds for termination of a dispute settlement with judge participation.

The application of mediation in Ukraine was discussed separately. Tetiana Vasylivna brought many examples from her own practice and explained to the students how legal norms work as a result of their application. Also, the judge drew attention to the importance of psychological training of court workers and communication skills with people. Students took an active part in binary class and expressed gratitude to the Judge of the Dzerzhynsk District Court of Kharkiv Tetiana Shtykh for interesting, constructive and useful information.