Binary classes for cadets on constitutional and legal issues

Teachers of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs conducted binary classes on current topics. Senior Lecturer of the Department, Candidate of Legal Sciences Nataliia Filipska conducted a binary lesson for cadets of the Faculty No. 2 study group 403 in the Discipline “Constitutional and legal principles of statehood of Ukraine” on “The role of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other Paramilitary Formations in defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability”.

Representatives of KhNUIA are among winners of the competition “The Young Person of the Year – 2020”

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were among the winners of the district stage of the municipal competition “The Young Person of the Year – 2020”. Serhii Holub, a Head of the Committee for Family, Youth and Sports in Slobidskyi District of the Department for Family, Youth and Sports of Kharkiv Municipal Council congratulated winners and presented awards to them.

Cadets of KhNUIA study best practices in approaching to domestic violence

The second-year cadets of Faculty № 4 together with the Head of the Foreign Languages Department of Faculty № 1 Olena Orlova took part in the webinar "Domestic Violence: Raising Awareness and Best Practices" organized by the University's International Cooperation Department with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine.

Peculiarities of law-enforcers’ official- business style of speech

On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Inna Holopych and the Community Support Officer of the Prevention Sector in Donetsk region Elizaveta Rudenko held a binary lesson for the cadets of faculty № 4, group 103 "Peculiarities of official- business style of speech of law enforcement officers".

University cadets get acquainted with European standards of justice in the fight against cybercrime

Roman Orlov and Tetyana Frolova, cadets of the Faculty of № 4 (cyberpolice) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, take part in the International Autumn Law School 2020 "Fighting Cybercrime in Accordance with European Standards of Justice", organized by the European Law Association with the support of the European Justice Project».

The results of the chatbot "StopNarcotics" for the year

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Dean of the Faculty № 4 (Cyberpolice) Viacheslav Markov, Deputy Head of Research Laboratory Oleksii Serdiuk, as well as university cadets - co-developers of the chatbot "StopNarcotics" - took part in a meeting of the Kharkiv Press Club on the topic "Year of operation of the chatbot" StopNarcotics ". Achievements and challenges ". 

First-year students have got acquainted with Kharkiv

Guided tours “Kharkiv is a city, where I study”, started for first-year students, these tours were organized with the support of the trade union organization of the university. Tours were supplied by comfortable buses and they were conducted while meeting quarantine requirements. The previously-developed route included the main historical-cultural and architectural monuments and recognized symbols of Kharkiv.

Cyber police training. KhNUIA trains unique specialists

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs trains unique specialists in the specialty 081 "Law", specialization "Training of Investigators for Cybercrime Units"; specialty 125 "Cybersecurity", specialization "Combating Cybercrime "; specialty 262 "Law Enforcement", specialization "Combating Human Trafficking".

Сhild safety on the Internet

Andrii Reznichenko, who is the cadet of the Faculty № 4 (Cyberpolice) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, became the speaker on live radio stream in the studio "Klassnoe Radio". The topic of discussion was "Cyberpolice and Child Safety on the Internet" this topic was prepared as a part of a national preventive operation "Safe Summer 2020".


The Celebration of Graduating Cadets 2020

The celebration of graduating cadets took place at the University. 453 cadets graduated on generally accepted European standard.