Final meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology

The final meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 1 took place. The head of the scientific circle Professor of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor Andrii Yashchenko informed the audience about the results of the group's work during the academic year.

The cadet of KhNUIA is the best shooter among the variable staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs higher education institutions

In the practical shooting tournament "Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" among higher education institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a third-year cadet of the Faculty No. 2 (Criminal Police) of KhNUIA Serhii Cherkaskyi became the best shooter among the variable staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Vice-Rector Serhii Bortnyk held a meeting with the first-year cadets of Faculty No.2

Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk met with the first-year cadets of Faculty No.2 (Criminal Police). Dean of the Faculty No.2 Police Colonel Kostiantyn Harbuziuk took part in the event too.

University cadets became prizewinners of the All-Ukrainian Karate Competitions

The All-Ukrainian Competitions on Traditional Shotokan Karate of SKIF Version took place in Kharkiv city. The cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the events. According to the results of the performances, the athletes took the following places: Polina Ivanchuk, the 3rd-year cadet of the Faculty No. 2, took second place in the team competition and second place in the individual competition; Anastasiia Pustovit, the 3rd-year cadet of the Faculty No. 2 won second place in the team competition.

Vasyl Stefanyk: history and modernity

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the genius master of psychological novels Vasyl Stefanyk.

Participation in the online presentation of "Methodological Guidelines on Investigative Interviewing of Children"

Oleksandr Skliar, Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 2, took part in online events on the occasion of the presentation of the “Methodological Guidelines on Investigative Interviewing of Children” prepared by the Council of Europe.

Participation in the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar

Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law of the Faculty No. 2, Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher, Police Lieutenant Colonel Valentyna Honcharuk took part in the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar "Topical issues of material and procedural public legal relations", organized by the Department of Law of the Faculty of Law and Psychology of the Dnipro Humanitarian University.

Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in specialty "Service Law"

According to the results of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in specialty "Service Law", the III degree winner diploma was awarded to the cadet of faculty № 2 of KhNUIA Vadym Rushchyts for scientific work "Civil service and service in National Police: general characteristics, differences and common features".


The representatives of the faculty № 2 honored the memory of the heroes of the Chornobyl tragedy

The leadership and cadets of the Faculty № 2 (Criminal Police) of KhNUIA honored the memory of the heroes and laid flowers at the monument to the victims of the Chornobyl disaster, located in Youth Park of Kharkiv.

University cadet Illia Tohobytskyi won second place in the World Boxing Championship

The 2021 edition of the AIBA Youth Men’s and Women’s World Boxing Championship took place in Kielce, Poland. 487 boxers - 327 boys and 160 girls-athletes from 66 countries took part in the competition. The joint youth сhampionship for men and women became the third in history after Sofia-2014 and Budapest-2018. Illia Tohobytskyi, the cadet of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the World Championship as part of the National Team of Ukraine and won second place in the 75 kg weight category.