Binary lesson on the implementation of the permit system by the National Police

In the study groups of the faculties № 1–6 of KhNUIA, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6 Mykola Holub together with the inspector of the Arms Control Department of MDNP in Kharkiv region, Police Major Oleh Panov held a binary lesson on "Implementation of the permit system by the National Police".

Scientific Library of the university is replenished with the latest book gift

Head of the Department of Cybersecurity and DATA-Technologies of the Faculty № 6, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yurii Hnusov and Professor of the same Department Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Strukov presented the textbook to KhNUIA Scientific Library: "Information Technology in Law Enforcement. Part 1: High-tech Trends in the Law Enforcement Sphere of Foreign Countries" edited by Volodymyr Strukov.

Participation in the International scientific and practical conference

Oksana Maliutina, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, took part in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “International Scientific Innovations in Human Life”, which was held in Manchester city, UK. 

High school students of Kharkiv School № 145 were invited to study at KhNUIA

Ihor Titov, a Specialist of the Preparatory Department of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA, held a career guidance meeting with high school students of Kharkiv Secondary School № 145.

The management of the Faculty № 6 held a meeting with students who returned from internship

Kostiantyn Sverdlin, Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 6, met with students who live in the dormitory and have recently returned from internship. The results of the internship were discussed, as well as a conversation was held on the requirements of compliance with fire safety rules, internal regulations, economical use of electricity, etc.

Students of the Faculty № 6 held a career guidance meeting as part of the "Visit your home school" campaign

Student of the Faculty № 6 Eduard Serhieiev under the leadership of Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6 Victoriia Melnyk as part of the "Visit Your Home School" campaign visited Selidovo secondary school № 2 of I-III degrees of Selidovo City Council, Donetsk region.

Meeting of the scientific circle devoted to the organization of accounting in Ukraine

A meeting of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6 took place, which was attended by members of the Scientific Circle of the Department, studying at the Faculty № 6 in the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" and representatives of the Department: Victoriia Fursa, Juliia Kyrychenko and Daria Korobtsova.

Pupils of Kharkiv School № 38 were invited to the Open Day

Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Disciplines Stanislav Pevko and Lecturer of the same Department of the Faculty № 6 Kseniia Hurtova held a career guidance event dedicated to the theme “Open Day at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs” in Kharkiv Secondary School № 38. 

Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security took an online course on information hygiene

Iryna Antol, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security, Faculty № 6, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took an online course “Information Hygiene. How to recognize lies on social networks, on the Internet and on television” via the platform of mass open online courses Prometheus and received a certificate.

Practical classes for students in the Scientific Library of KhNUIA

At the initiative of Oleksii Shumilo, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security, Scientific Library of the university hosted practical classes for students of the Faculty № 6 on mastering the full-text database "Legislation of Ukraine" on the official web portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as acquaintance with the Scientific Library and its electronic information resources.