Online course "The Art of Teaching"

Olena Soloviova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty 6 of KhNUIA, completed the online advanced training course for educational workers "The Art of Teaching", which was posted on the website of the Educational HUB of Kyiv city. She also received a certificate.

Career guidance meetings were held in Krasnohrad district of the region

Svitlana Popova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs met with Valentyn Kiiashko, Director of the Krasnohrad Agricultural Technical School named after F.Ya. Tymoshenko and Nadiia Khoreshko, Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Students of Kupiansk Secondary School No. 6 were invited to participate in the Olympiad “Young Lawyer”

Daria Heta, the Assistant Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Sciences of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA held a career guidance event with 10 and 11 grades students of Kupiansk Secondary School No. 6, where she met with the school administration and provided information on admission procedures to the university for high school students.

Career guidance work in Zaporizhzhia Region

Employees of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue to carry out work on career guidance for applicants. Thus, the employee of the Department Valeriia Budnik visited the Municipal Institution “Support Institution of General Secondary Education “Suziria”” of Orikhiv Municipal Council in Zaporizhzhia Region.

Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko: "The Holodomor is a huge tragedy of the Ukrainian people"

In 1930 a new wave of collectivization began in the USSR. In April of that year, the Law on Bread Procurement was passed, according to which collective farms had to hand over from a quarter to a third of the harvested grain to the state. Meanwhile, as a result of the Great Depression, agricultural prices in the West fell sharply. The Soviet Union was on the brink of economic crisis, because no one gave it long-term loans, demanding to recognize the debts of the Russian Empire.

KhNUIA employees took an online course "The Art of Teaching"

Vice-Rector, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of the Faculty № 6 Leonid Mohilevskyi and Associate Professors of the same department, Candidates of Law Iryna Vasylko, Artem Podorozhnii, Tetiana Puzanova, Viktoriia Sychova, Andrii Denysov passed an online refresher course for teachers of the Art of Teaching on the website of Kyiv Educational Hub.

Participation of students of faculty № 6 in the presentation of the International Student Internship Program

Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA constantly cooperates with the international organization uniting law students and young lawyers interested in scientific and personal improvement (ELSA). One of the areas of this cooperation is the internship of students abroad as an important component of European integration of domestic higher education.

An online master class from a lawyer was held for students

The online lawyer Dmytro Tymoshenko’s master class on the topic "Drafting a statement of claim in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine: practical recommendations" was held for scientific and pedagogical staff and students of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The discipline "Evolution, Anatomy and Physiology of the Central Nervous System" online classes

Olena Shakhova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Candidate of Biological Sciences conducted a regular online seminar for students-psychologists of the Faculty № 6 in the discipline “Evolution, Anatomy and Physiology of the Central Nervous System" on the topic "Structure and Functions of the Spinal Cord” on the Zoom platform.

Vocational guidance work of the Faculty No. 6

Roman Bolshov, a first-year student of the Faculty No. 6 at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, visited Bylbasivka support institution of secondary general education of I-III grades of Slovyansky District, Donetsk Region, which he recently graduated from.