Matiushkova Tetiana Petrivna

Head of the Department is Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,  Police Lieutenant Colonel 
Matiushkova Tetiana Petrivna

The Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - Department) is a coordinating structural unit established at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - University) to ensure the effective work of the University in the direction of expanding and deepening international cooperation, increasing its authority in the world, promoting the improvement of the qualifications of the academic staff and applicants for higher education through the coordination of scientific and scientific and pedagogical contacts.

In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, orders, the University Charter, the Regulations on the Department of International Cooperation, as well as other regulatory legal acts on international cooperation.

The main tasks of the Department are:

1. Organization of international activities.

2. Planning of the University's international activities.

3. Development of draft orders and instructions in the field of activity.

4. Accumulation and generalization of information on planned and implemented activities in the areas of activity.

5. Preparation and control over the timely submission of documents for  foreign business trips.

6. Systematization of generalized data by areas of work, terms of execution and performers.

7. Control over the timely submission of written reports and certificates to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other executive authorities in the area of the Department's work.

8. Establishment and strengthening of relations with foreign educational institutions, research institutions, organizations and foundations.

9. Publication on the official website of the University of regulatory documents related to its activities, as well as information on the structure and composition of the management, the results of its activities, and other information provided by law.

10. Involvement of specialists from central and local executive authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, experts, as well as international experts, representatives of leading foreign higher education institutions and/or experts from institutions that ensure the quality of higher education in other countries to consider issues in this area.

11. Ensuring interaction with representatives of other higher education institutions, employers' organizations and associations, professional associations, national association of students (cadets), and other stakeholders on issues within its competence.

12. Ensuring the quality of higher education, educational and professional programs, programs of academic disciplines and the system of internal quality assurance of higher education at the University.

13. Ensuring the security component of all participants in the educational process of all participants in the educational process, immediate movement of subordinate permanent personnel to places of shelter in case of announcement of the "Air Alert" signal.


  Kharkiv, 27,  Lva Landau Avenue

  (057) 739-80-96, (057) 739-82-67

 [email protected]

Members of the Department:

Matiushkova Tetiana Petrivna - Head of the Department, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Police Lieutenant Colonel.

Google Scholar Profile
ORCID Profile

Sadova Natalia Oleksandrivna - Leading Specialist of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

ORCID Profile

Muzychuk Alona Olehivna - Specialist of the Department

Savina Inna Hariivna - Specialist of the Department

Vechirko Svitlana Petrivna - Specialist of the Department