Deputy Head of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Research Laboratory for Combating Crime Oleksii Serdiuk together with sociologists of KhNU named after V.N. Karazin presented the first results of the annual study "2021 Security and Trust".
The annual "Security and Trust" monitoring study has been implemented since 2013 by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Research Laboratory for Combating Crime together with the Sociological Association of Ukraine and the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv Region with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission within the regional Programme for ensuring
public safety and order and combating crime in the territory of Kharkiv region for 2020-2022 and the Action Plan for 2021-2023 on the implementation of the Development Strategy of Kharkiv region for 2021-2027.

In the web survey in 2020, more than 13 thousand respondents took part, and in the survey in 2021 - about 28 thousands of residents of Kharkiv region.
Among the main trends recorded by the 2021 study are:
reduction of subjective perception of crime and fears of crime continues since 2018, 41% feel safe in the city of residence, and 20% - don’t;
• the number of dangerous places is decreasing, but Kharkiv residents are increasingly using various measures to protect themselves, taking an increasingly active position in protecting their own safety.
The level of trust in the police is slowly growing, this year it is 38% (34% do not trust the police), this year for the first time in all years of observation the balance of trust (the difference between those who trust and those who do not trust) became positive. In total, the patrol police enjoy the greatest trust in the population, followed by the police in general, the SSU, the prosecutor's office, and the least trust in the court.

In 2021 the police cope the best with such tasks as: the fight against terrorism; quick response to calls and appeals of citizens; protection of public order; road safety; protection of public health.
The worst scores in 2021 were: the fight against corruption; fight against drug trafficking; combating the illegal sale and consumption of alcohol; protection of property and homes of citizens from theft; fight against hooliganism and vandalism.
The most common offenses that Kharkiv and Kharkiv region residents have seen or heard about in the past are: 1) illegal sale and use of alcohol; 2) distribution and use of drugs; 3) violation of public order (shouting, brawling, hooliganism); 4) thefts. For several years in a row, the residents of Kharkiv region have been pointing out these four problems in different order as the main ones that concern
A quarter of respondents had a corrupt experience during the last year, this figure is slowly declining (in 2014 - 65% of respondents reported that they had entered into a corrupt relationship). This year, among those who entered into corrupt relations, on the one hand, there was a decrease in the share of "extortion", and on the other - an increase in the "use of connections" and voluntary bribery.
Video of the presentation can be viewed at: https: 
Monograph on the results of 2020 are at the link:

Безпека та довіра 2021 – презентація перших результатів