Participation in the work of the "School of Pedagogical Excellence" Participation in the work of the

Volodymyr Kroitor, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty No. 6, received a certificate of professional development. He took part in the work of the "School of Pedagogical Excellence" at the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, enhancing his professional competence.

The kettlebell lifting team of the university is the winner of the Dynamo PSS championship  The kettlebell lifting team of the university is the winner of the Dynamo PSS championship

The kettlebell lifting championship of PSS "Dynamo" of Ukraine among the teams of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other central executive bodies took place in Lviv. According to the results of the competition among the teams of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs won!

Property Right Institute in Ukraine: Protection in Civil Proceedings Property Right Institute in Ukraine: Protection in Civil Proceedings

Oleksandr Kukhariev, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty No. 6, took part in the All-Ukrainian seminar for judges of local general courts on the topic "Property Right Institute in Ukraine: Protection in Civil Proceedings".

Problems of Cybersecurity of Information and Telecommunication Systems Problems of Cybersecurity of Information and Telecommunication Systems

Employees of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Information Technologies Development of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Cybersecurity of Information and Telecommunication Systems" (PCSITS).

Personal security in the digital environment: legal, psychological and technological aspects Personal security in the digital environment: legal, psychological and technological aspects

Associate Professor of Socio-Economic Disciplines, Sumy Branch, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Svitlana Vyhaniailo took part in the Ukraine-wide scientific-methodical seminar "Personal security in the digital environment: legal, psychological and technological aspects", which took place on the basis of State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv with the help of the ZOOM platform.

Crime and combating it in a singularity: trends and innovations Crime and combating it in a singularity: trends and innovations

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted an online scientific-practical conference "Crime and combating it in a singularity: trends and innovations", dedicated to the memory of a member of the Board of the Criminological Association of Ukraine, Professor Tetiana Denysova.

Panel discussion “Youth of Ukraine and European Integration - the Horizon of Opportunities”  Panel discussion “Youth of Ukraine and European Integration - the Horizon of Opportunities”

Higher education applicants of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Adviser to the Rector on Gender Issues Oksana Tsukan and Specialist of the International Cooperation Department Alona Ryndych joined the panel discussion “Youth of Ukraine and European Integration - the Horizon of Opportunities”, which was held within the framework of the EUKrayina All-Ukrainian Information Campaign.

KhNUIA cadet among the winners of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers KhNUIA cadet among the winners of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers

Vladyslav Ivashchenko, the cadet of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, defended his work in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Civil Security (Labor Protection)". He was awarded a third-degree diploma.

Promotion of the rules of academic plagiarism prevention classes Promotion of the rules of academic plagiarism prevention classes

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a lecture for students of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education: doctoral students, associate professors and graduate students of the university. During the lecture, the issues of the concept of academic plagiarism, its main types and measures to prevent it during the preparation of scientific papers were raised.

Chernobyl bells Chernobyl bells

On April 16, as part of events to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Chornobyl accident, the departments of theory and history of state and law of faculty №1 and Ukrainian studies of faculty № 2 were organized and held the online round table between the departments.