Dear graduates of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!

The Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine sincerely congratulates you on the successful completion of training and obtaining the profession of law enforcement!

Your dream - to join the ranks of police officers has been successfully realized, and this day begins an interesting and important journey of independent living, filled with professional success and life victories. We hope that the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your studies will give you a sense of confidence in serving society and the state.

We are happy with your life choice. Energetic, honest, frank, and open to the community police officers are the key to the stability and security of every family in our country.

Yesterday you were evaluated by your teachers, from now on the highest evaluation of your activity is the trust of citizens, their safety, and respect. We are convinced that in all circumstances you will remain faithful to the Oath, will not betray the truth, goodness, and honor.

Always be an example of discipline and demandingness, patriotism and dedication.

Be worthy of your Motherland and the feat of its heroes, who gave their lives, performing official duties in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine!

Serve honestly!

Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine