Currently, the average age of a police officer is 36 years. This was announced by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on July 4, congratulating the National Police on the day of its establishment.

"Six years ago, we began to create the National Police of Ukraine as a fundamentally new, high-tech, human-friendly, modern police service. This is an extremely difficult task - to build a new one on the basis of the old, extremely unbalanced system, keeping the balance, without losing efficiency, preserving the experience of real professionals," said Arsen Avakov.

The Minister also announced the results of the work of the police. In particular, for six years of existence of the National Police of Ukraine:

- more than 47 million calls of citizens were processed;

- more than 562 thousand crimes were solved;

- almost 10 thousand special operations of the KORD special unit were carried out and 129 hostages were released;

- more than 1,400 criminal groups and organizations were closed down;

- 23 tons of drugs worth 11 billion hryvnias were seized;

- more than 30 thousand cybercrimes were detected;

- more than 38,000 weapons and 9 tons of explosives were seized;

- more than 66,000 children were found and returned to their parents;

- security was provided during more than 360 thousand mass events, which were attended by about 100 million citizens.

"Many ambitious tasks have already been completed, now we are implementing an important project to create a single security space for local communities". The Community Police Officer project has already been implemented in 279 communities, the level of trust in them is 70%," said Arsen Avakov.

According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 56 thousand policemen served in the ATO/JFO zone.

"I want to congratulate the boys and girls who have chosen a difficult and worthy life task for themselves - to Serve the Law and Protect People! They are on guard every day, at risk every day, every day on the front line of the war: both with the enemy-aggressor - Russian Federation, and with internal enemies. Where it is difficult, they are the first!” said Arsen Avakov.

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