The annual Consolidated Rating of Ukrainian Universities has been compiled by the information educational resource. To compile the Consolidated Rating-2021, the general ranking places of universities in the most authoritative national ratings among experts and mass media were used: “Top-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus” and “External Evaluation Score for Contract”. Each of them uses different criteria for assessing higher education institutions:

- rating "Top-200 Ukraine" uses open data of direct sources, displayed in open web resources of independent national and international organizations and institutions;

- the results of the "Scopus" Rating are based on the indicators of the Scopus database, which is a tool for tracking the citation of scientific articles published by an educational institution or its pedagogical staff in scientific journals;

- the rating “External Evaluation Score for a contract” contains information on the indicators of the average EIT score of entrants who in 2020 are enrolled in universities for contract education.

The consolidated ranking of universities – 2021 covers the results of 242 higher education institutions. KhNUIA occupied 109-110th place, rising 44 places compared to last year. It has the best result among higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which train police officers.

The full ranking table can be viewed at: