Iryna Hladyr, Head of the Department of International Relations and Interuniversity Activities of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, passed an international internship at University Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki in Poland on the topic "International grants and research projects from idea to implementation: practice, experience, prospects".
Within the frame of a week-long scientific and didactic internship, after a series of seminars and workshops on the organization and implementation of design and
research activities, Iryna Hladyr gained experience in developing effective strategies and mechanisms for practical implementation of international innovative
projects in education.
During the internship, students discussed the following issues: national and bilateral international programs: opportunities for financial projects in the field of
education; project research activities in new generation universities; grants as the most common form of project financing; features of implementation of
international projects: RITA, NAWA, Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange; ERASMUS programs; volunteer projects within the frame of the European Solidarity Corps program; international cooperation in science, technology and innovation. All these issues are an integral part of the functioning of the new generation of universities.
As a result of training, Iryna Hladyr received an international diploma.