The Department of Social and Humanitarian Affairs has prepared a video lecture "Ukraine is Your Name" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence for first-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Each country has its own history of state formation, and the older such a history, the more indisputable the right to statehood. The oldest name of the first state of
Ukrainian people is Rus. It arises in the so-called Kyiv era, which had a powerful influence on the further historical development of Ukrainian people and
the formation of Ukrainian nation, its language, law, economy and so on. However, the change of the national ethnonym "Rusyn" to "Ukrainian" was historically
necessary. This was of great importance for the assertion of the national identity of the entire Ukrainian people in the future.
The origin of the name Ukraine has attracted the attention of philologists and historians. The process of formation of the concept of "Ukraine" was quite long
and had several stages. Another important fact is that, regardless of its origin, the word "Ukraine" meant the Cossack state created by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Sloboda
Ukraine also played a significant role in preserving and spreading it to all ethnic Ukrainian lands. During the XIX century, the name "Ukraine" gradually acquired
the meaning of a national symbol. It became the flag under which new generations of patriots, defenders of the right of our people to self-determination and state
independence gathered.