On the occasion of the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a thematic video lecture for first-year cadets of
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The lecture was delivered by the Head of Kharkiv Historical Museum Kostiantyn Dubin and was accompanied by a
Honoring the centuries-old history of Ukrainian statehood and state symbols of independent Ukraine is impossible to imagine without the Day of the State Flag of
Ukraine. The State Flag is one of the official state symbols of sovereignty. known The blue and yellow colors on the flag are known to have at least a thousand-year
history and date back to the times of Kievan Rus and the Galicia-Volyn principality. Today the Ukrainian national blue and yellow flag is the State Flag of Ukraine. Throughout its historical achievements, it has become a symbol of the struggle for the national and social rights of the Ukrainian people. For every Ukrainian, the raising of the national flag is a solemn moment, because it embodies the eternal desire for peace, work, beauty and wealth of our native land. The State Flag as a symbol of the country is the embodiment of national unity, honor and dignity, traditions of state formation, history and present.
Director of Museum Andrii Prokhorov