The practical part of the training for the mass media representatives was held on the educational-training grounds of the university. The Head of the Department of Firearms Training, Police Colonel Vitalii Fedorov, Senior Lecturers of the Department, Police Senior Lieutenant Fedor Zurov and Police Major Tolkachov Serhii held a class along with journalists in a multimedia interactive shooting range “Ingul-7” where journalists were familiarized with the rules of the usage of traumatic weapons and safety events which must be followed during self-defense.       

On a special assault course, journalists tested their psychophysical endurance. They were climbing to a certain height and overcoming blocks.

In the tactical town, the skills needed to ensure their own safety in various threatening situations were practiced. For example, how to behave when criminals try to break into a journalist's room or are gunned both from the outside and inside, and where in such circumstances could be the most secure place to hide and wait for help. If there is a threat of a building or stairs collapse, how to behave in such a situation? Practical advice was provided by employees of the department of tactical and special physical training - candidate of psychological sciences, master of sports in triathlon Oleksandr Sokolov, candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, master of sports in mountaineering Andrii Kyiko, candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, associate professor, self-defense instructor Oleh Yareshchenko, honored master of sports in kickboxing, world champion in Thai boxing Dmytro Konstantynov.

We hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will help the mass-media representatives to secure their lives and health, in both professional and life situations.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA