Young people are mastering media literacy
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1st-year cadet of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Vladyslava Balera, who is a member of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty No. 1, took 3rd place in the Marathon of Change Agents of the Media Literacy School.

Cadets Master Methods of Psychological Therapy
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As part of the Annual World Campaign "Sixteen Days Against Violence" Nataliia Miloradova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Faculty № 3, together with Yurii Chumak, the head of the Kharkiv regional public organization "Center for Legal and Political Studies "DUMA"" and the regional coordinator of the Travel Festival "Docudays UA" in the Kharkiv region, organized the documentary film "Punks" screening and discussion.

School Bullying Became a Topic for Discussion with Schoolchildren
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In support of the All-Ukrainian Campaign "Sixteen Days Against Violence" Iryna Lutsenko, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology of Faculty № 6 together with Iryna Derevlova, the teacher of Kharkov Secondary School № 147, raised the awareness among the students of Form 9-A about prohibition of violence and child abuse.

University Cadets Are among the Winners of the Regional Program of Personality and Professional Development "State Creator"
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The second  year cadets of Faculty № 1 Yuliia Patsora, Mykyta Belevtsov and Krystina Morhai, who are members of the School of Scientific Leadership, took part in the program of personality and professional development "State Creator" in the Kharkiv region. During the three-week program, the cadets together with the participants from other higher education institutions remotely attended classes given by leading figures of the state and public sectors of the Kharkiv region.

A seminar-dispute on the issues of Euro-Atlantic Integration with cadets of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA
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Olena Lukianykhina, the Head of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, held a seminar-discussion “Advantages of Ukraine’s entry in NATO”, under the plan of actions on the implementation of the Concept for Improving Public Awareness on Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine for 2020, the plan of action of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agencies to implement the Annual National Program under the auspices of Ukraine – NATO Commission for 2020 and in the framework of the All-Ukrainian Law Week.

Rector of the university instructed on compliance with quarantine requirements
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The personnel morning meeting of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place. The rector of the university, General of Police of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko has instructed the personnel at four locations as for the implementation of quarantine requirements related to COVID-19 pandemic.

Oleksandr Balabin, a first-year student of KhNUIA, became the European champion among juniors in boxing
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Oleksandr Balabin, a first-year student of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, became the European champion among juniors in boxing in the weight category up to 70 kg. The competition was held from November 25 to December 2, 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Preparation of Master's students for participation in scientific and practical conferences.
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The online meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6 took place. Yuliia Kyrychenko, Oleksii Shumilo, Daria Korobtsova and Viktoriia Fursa, 2nd year Master's students, 1st and 3rd year students and Lecturers of the Department, participated in its work.

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The Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty №1 held a debate in English "STOP Bullying!", that was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission Field Office in Kharkiv.

Representatives of the university congratulated the participants of the scientific and creative competition on financial security and financial investigations
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Representatives of the Faculty № 6 Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Iryna Sievidova and lecturer of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Olha Sievidova visited the communal institution "Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training " Patriot "" Kharkiv Regional Council and congratulated the participants of the scientific competition on financial security and financial investigations.