The Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of the Faculty № 6 Professor Olha Hetmanets and Associate Professors of the same Department Victoriia Fursa, Dariia Korobtsova and Andrii Denysov conducted an online career guidance meeting with lyceums graduates of  municipal institute “Samiilivskyi lyceum of Blyzniukivskoi village council of Lozivskoho district of Kharkiv region".

Graduates were told about the activities of the university, specialties for which specialists are trained in higher education institutions with special learning conditions, acquainted with the rules of admission to KhNUIA.

During the conversation, future entrants drew attention to the benefits of studying at the university and the opportunities and prospects for further professional growth, as well as invited to visit the university on the Open Day, during which you can see the work of the Department of Legal Support.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA