Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty № 6 Victoriia Davydenko met with students of 11th and 9th grades, as well as with the Deputy Director for Educational Work Iryna Shalimova.

Victoriia Davydenko spoke about the conditions of admission and study at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the specifics of training cadets, students and trainees in various specialties and forms of education and more. Thus, under the state order on the basis of complete general secondary education at the university prepare bachelors in "Law", "Law Enforcement", "Psychology", "Accounting and Taxation", "Cyber Security". At the faculty № 6 at the expense of individuals and legal entities training of specialists in the specialties "Law", "Law Enforcement", "Psychology", "Finance, Banking and Insurance", "Cybersecurity" is carried out.

Students were shown an image video about Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and invited to visit the university.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA