On the eve of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, which is celebrated on September 30, the trade union organization of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs arranged a tour of Poltava region for staff of the scientific library and university staff.

Tourists visited the ancient city center - Cathedral Square, Round Square, Savior Church, Assumption Cathedral, White Pavilion - a symbol of the city, the estate of Ivan Kotlyarevsky, a monument to Ukrainian dumpling. Tourists visited the only ethno-museum in Ukraine "Beer and home-distilled vodka", the exposition of which was collected by the owners of the museum and presented exclusively with original exhibits of beer brewing and home-distilled vodka making. Visitors got acquainted with the traditions of beer brewing and home-distilled vodka making.

The tour was extremely interesting and informative, leaving great impression and good mood.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA