Video conference for attendees of the advanced training courses with the participation of acting community police officers
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A video conference was held with the participation of current community police officers of Rivne and Khmelnytsk regions and students of the advanced training courses of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, specialization of district police officers assigned to the police stations of the united territorial communities.

Victory in powerlifting competitions
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Kateryna Krapyvna, the 2nd year cadet of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, participated in Bench Press Competitions «Online Match Meeting Sumy-Hlukhiv», which took place in Sumy.

The university took part in a conference on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day
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The National Academy of Internal Affairs is hosting the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension" dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Knowing and protecting human rights is the main mission of future law enforcement officers
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As part of the All-Ukrainian Law Week, which is celebrated this year on December 10-14, the university library presented an extensive book-illustrative exhibition “Human rights - your rights”. 

Domestic violence: a 360 ° view. Challenges. Opportunities. Actions
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Employees of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Faculty № 3 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor Natalia Miloradova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer Olena Makarova took part in the forum "Domestic Violence: 360 ° view. Challenges. Opportunities. Actions ".

Language policy in Ukraine and the world
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On the occasion of Human Rights Day, Viktoriia Pertseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, together with Alina Masalova, inspector of the Investigation Sector of Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv Regional Headquarters of National Police, Lieutenant of the Police, conducted a binary lesson "Language Policy in Ukraine and EU States".

Vocational guidance work in Kharkiv gymnasium No.1
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Nataliia Tsvirkun, a Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No.1 visited Kharkiv gymnasium No.1 in order to conduct vocational guidance activities. She conducted a vocational guidance conversation with Anna Popova, the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Transport Discipline Lesson
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The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized an instructional lesson on the observance of traffic rules and road safety for cadets of 3-4 years and adjuncts of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

We would like to invite you to the online lecture “Communication of Values as a Management Trend”
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Volodymyr Shulha, the Speaker of Ukrainian and Foreign Educational Institutions, the Researcher on International Communications, will give an online lecture on the topic “Communication of Values as a Management Trend” for lecturers and applicants of higher education of the Faculty No.6. The event takes place on December 9, 2020, at 11.00 am.

Participation in webinars
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Iryna Maisun, a lecturer at the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, took part in a series of webinars on the topic: “USA. Post-election prospects: how the outcome will affect emerging markets”; "USA. Post-election prospects: a global macroeconomic view “U.S. post-election perspectives: What is the Impact?”