Associate Professor of Civil Law and Proceedings Tetiana Kyrychenko and Associate Professor of Economic Activity Daryna Korobtsova together with lawyer Nadiia Chukhraeva conducted a joint binary lesson for students of several groups on the subject “Family Law”.

Nadiia Chukhrayeva acquainted the students with the power of a lawyer and told about cases of child support if the parents are not married. During the report, it was emphasized that according to the first part of Article 141 of the Family Code of Ukraine, mother and father have equal rights and responsibilities towards the child, regardless of whether they were married to each other.

The parent, who the child lives with, has the right to apply to the court with a claim for child support. In this case, child support is awarded either as a share of earnings or in the form of a specifically allocated amount (fixed sum of money).

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA