A representative of the Sumy Branch of KhNUIA took part in an online session of the Student Council
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Anna Martynenko, a second-year student of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the first online session of the Student Council at Sumy Regional State Administration. 

Development of personal potential: the path to harmonious existence
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Svitlana Cherednyk, Lecturer at the Cycle Commission of Philological Disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar “Development of Personal Potential: the Path to Harmonious Existence”.

The Center for Ukrainian and Polish Development informs
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The Center for Ukrainian and Polish Development informs that Cuiavian University in Wloclawek invites all interested persons to take part in the scientific and pedagogical internship “Legal education in Ukraine and EU countries: contradictions and ways of improvement”, which will take place in Wloclawek, the Republic of Poland.

Career guidance meetings of university students with schoolchildren of Donetsk Region
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Roman Bolshov, a first-year student of the Faculty No. 6, visited Bylbasivskyi Support Institution of General Secondary Education of the 1st-3rd Grades of Slovyansk District Council of Donetsk Region. He held a meeting with 11th grade students with the participation of their class teacher Nadiia Kotenko.

The university library was replenished with a new book gift
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On the Eve of the New Year, the University library always received gifts from university teachers. Recently, Oleksandr Yukhno, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-trial Investigation of the Faculty № 1, presented the library with publications that will be useful to future specialists in the field of criminal procedure. 

Distance training
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Olena Syniavska, Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of  Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, Professor,  took part in the online webinar "The branch of military law in modern conditions of state formation" .

An online meeting with prospective applicants took place at the University
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The coronavirus pandemic makes significant adjustments to the format of human communication. Thus, an online meeting with prospective applicants of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place remotely using Zoom platform. The main topic of communication was the issues related to the peculiarities of admission and training at the police higher educational institution in 2021.

A binary online lesson with the participation of the Director of the insurance company
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Svitlana Petrovska, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, organized and conducted an online lesson in the Discipline «Insurance» with the participation of Nadiia Ivanytska, Director of the Eastern Regional Office of the Insurance Company «PZU Ukraine», for third-year students.

Applicants of KhNUIA are taking part in a series of online seminars on writing scientific articles in English
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Within the framework of the EGOVLOC project, a seminar, dedicated to the first stage of scientific research, namely, the choice of relevant topics and the formulation of research questions, was held.

Representatives of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings took part in a scientific and practical conference on civil and family rights
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Head of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Yurii Zhornokui, professors of the same department Larysa Krasytska, Volodymyr Kroitor and Oleksandr Kukhariev took an active part in the Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Improving Private Law Mechanisms for the Acquisition, Transfer, Implementation and Protection of Subjective Civil and Family Rights", dedicated to the memory of Ch. N. Azimov. The conference was held on the Zoom platform.