Increasing public trust in law enforcement, creating a safe environment, improving technical support, digitalization and development of services, and involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs in anti-corruption reform are key areas for further development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This was announced by the head of the law enforcement agency Denys Monastyrskyi during a meeting with the ambassadors of the G-7 countries.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs will focus its efforts on five areas of work. As for increasing public confidence, we focus on the following projects – community police officer, body cameras for all patrol police personnel, monitoring of human rights “Custody Records”, safe childhood and combating domestic violence”, – said Denys Monastyrskyi.

He explained that the direction of creating a safe environment will relate to road safety, the operation of “Phantom” vehicles, the Aeromedical Space System, the creation of a European fire safety hub and the work of volunteer fire brigades. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also focuses a lot on updating the material and technical base.

“Over the next few years, we have an ambitious goal to significantly improve and update the support of our units. In 2021-2023, the intellectual border with Russia, Belarus and Moldova should be fully equipped. The Marine Guard needs to be reformed and improved. Currently, technical observation posts on the coast of the Azov and Black Seas are being modernized. The procedure of purchasing 2 sets of stationary radar systems for surface lighting has been started”, – said the Head of the Law Enforcement Agency.

Denys Monastyrskyi stressed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a steady tendency to simplify the procedures for providing services by service centers. Next to be sorted out is the further minimization of the human factor in decision-making and the maximum digitalization of services.

The Minister of Internal Affairs noted that one of the key principles of the new team is to eradicate corruption in the ministry system.

“We are implementing tools that are able to identify, neutralize and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to corruption, strengthen internal control, prevent conflicts of interest”, – added Denys Monastyrskyi.

Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine