Head and lecturers of the cycle commission of philological disciplines of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA Oksana Savchenko, Nataliia Koversun, Liudmyla Ivanchenko and members of scientific circles Anton Novikov, Eduard Oleksienko, Denys Borysenkov took part in the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical workshop on humane pedagogy "Humanization is the shortest way to the individual". The event took place on the basis of Kremenchug Pedagogical College named after A. S. Makarenko. Lecturers from nine regions of Ukraine took part in the workshop.


The leitmotif of the event was the words of the outstanding teacher Shalva Amonashvili "A student is one who seeks light, a teacher is one who carries it."


During the practical intensive, teachers exchanged experience in the formation of emotional intelligence, speech and reading competencies of students of the New Ukrainian School, learned to look for inspiration for professional activity and got acquainted with the ways of self-realization. Considerable attention was paid to the formation of Ukrainian-language and foreign competencies of high school students and applicants for higher education in professional higher education institutions.


As a result of the work, the workshop participants received certificates and invaluable experience in further developing the humanistic approach in the educational process.