Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College held a career guidance meeting with students
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The lecturers of the cycle commission of aircraft maintenance of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Viktor Panchenko and Tetiana Kozlovska held a career guidance meeting with ninth-graders of Kremenchuk Gymnasium № 26, which was held with the assistance and support of the gymnasium director Volodymyr Sakun. 

Self-Defense Video Classes. Lesson No. 9.
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We continue to master the techniques of self-defense on the topic "Combinations of Kicks and Protection against Them". The lesson has been conducted by the lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training, Honored Master of Sports in Kickboxing, Police Captain Dmytro Konstantynov.

Representatives of the Faculty No.4 answered online future applicants’ questions
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An online meeting with future applicants took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Viktor Slysh, Advisor to the Rector of the University, Viacheslav Markov, Dean of the Faculty No.4, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, representatives of structural units of the university, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty, and cadets took part in the event.

KhNUIA cadet Vladyslav Stepanenko was awarded the Kharkiv Mayor Scholarship "Obdarovanist" ("Giftedness")
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Vladyslav Stepanenko, a 4th year cadet of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, was awarded the Kharkiv Mayor Scholarship “Obdarovanist” (“Giftedness”) for children and youth in the 2020/2021 academic year for high achievements in science, art, sports and public life.

The library of KhNUIA took part in the All-Ukrainian Action #Read_achieve!
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2021 has been declared the year of popularization of reading in Ukraine. The action #Read_achieve was organized by the Ukrainian Book Institute, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy in Ukraine, which started on January 20 of the current year. The library of KhNUIA joined this action, presenting publications authored by the scientists of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.


Participation in a master class on application of information legislation
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Maryna Vasylenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Studies of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs participated in a master class “The right to information within the human rights system: international standards and national regulation”, which was conducted by Tetiana Oleksiiuk - lawyer, UNDP expert in Ukraine and Council of Europe consultant on access to information.

Google digital tools in the work of a lecturer
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Svitlana Hrybanova, a representative of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took a distance course “Using Google digital tools to organize the work of a lecturer and the management of an educational institution” conducted by the Scientific and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Zaporizhzhia region.

School of course officers
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has launched the “School of Course Officers” - a new form of work for heads of educational courses of Faculties, the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Sumy Branch.

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Foreign Languages took place
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A lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No1 of KhNUIA, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Valentyna Kochyna held an online meeting of the scientific circle on the ZOOM platform. The first-year cadets of Faculty No1 took part in it.

Representatives of the Faculty No.3 answered the questions of future applicants during the online meeting
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An online meeting of representatives of the Faculty No.3 with future applicants on the peculiarities of education at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2021 took place. The event was attended by Advisor to the Rector Viktor Slysh, Dean of the Faculty Police Major Anatolii Kolotik, representatives of structural units, as well as graduates of the Faculty No. 3, who currently hold senior positions in the National Police of Kharkiv, Sumy, Luhansk and Poltava Regions.