Representatives of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a number of events dedicated to the International Day of Academic Integrity.

The Head of the library Iryna Sarelova and the Head of the academic integrity of the college Maryna Petchenko conducted classes on the formation of skills of information and bibliographic culture and compliance with the principles of academic integrity for applicants for education in specialty "Aviation Transport" (Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines) of the second year of study and specialty "Management" (Logistics) of the first year of study.


Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, responsible for academic integrity, researchers of the department of organization of scientific work and gender issues Vadym Orel, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Olha Hlazunova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, took part in a lecture-discussion "What to do with commissioned works?". It was organized by the European Network of Academic Integrity -  ENAI within the project "Initiative of Academic Integrity and Quality of Education".


The speaker of the event was Veronika Krasnichan, a doctoral student at the Department of Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic), a member of the European Academic Integrity Network.


The reasons for which applicants apply for commissioned works, the consequences of bad practices and how to detect and prevent commissioned works were considered during the event. The speaker also presented the results of an international survey of students on the experience of commissioning works and a campaign to combat commissioned works.