Lecturer of the cycle commission of aircraft maintenance of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Tetiana Kozlovska conducted a field scientific-practical seminar "Alternative biofuels in Ukraine and the EU" on the basis of the biogas laboratory of Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi for second-year students of the educational-professional program "Maintenance of storage facilities, transportation and refueling of lubricants" with the participation of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Ecology and Biotechnology Serhii Dihtiar.

Serhii Dihtiar told about the ways of obtaining biogas from blue-green algae, which pollute the Dnieper in summer, with the help of a special anaerobic methane tank, which produces up to 80% of methane. In this case, in addition to methane, during the fermentation of blue-green algae. a significant amount of other  combustible gas is released - hydrogen, which is important for the energy of the future. Laser treatment of blue-green algae allows to obtain special fats - lipids - a liquid biofuel (biodiesel), similar to that produced from rapeseed and other industrial crops.

Tetiana Kozlovska additionally spoke about the bilateral Ukrainian-Austrian project "Methods of processing cyanobacteria into biogas", in which she was directly involved.

The students got acquainted with the design of the bioreactor, sensors for monitoring the parameters of the reactor, automated process control system, saw how methane burns, and discussed the prospects of using blue-green algae as biofertilizers.

Applicants asked questions about the introduction of bioreactors of this type in the production and the economic feasibility of processing blue-green algae for biogas.

Such events allow to expand the worldview of students, to form their interest in research and promote the achievements of science, technology and the latest low-waste environmentally friendly technologies.