University cadets took part in a scientific and methodical conference
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Faculty № 3 cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Viktoriia Holub and Dmytro Medvediev in distance form took part in the XI International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Modern technologies in the field of physical education, sports, physical therapy, and ergotherapy."

The cadets of the faculty № 2 were instructed
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Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, instructed second-year cadets of Faculty № 2 who are moving to distance learning in the period from April 9 to May 4 this year as part of anti-epidemic measures.

Kharkiv-2014. Alarming Spring
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The University Library has prepared a book-illustrative exposition "Kharkiv-2014. Alarming Spring", timed to the events that unfolded in Kharkiv from 7-th to 8-th April 2014. The separatists tried to seize the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, but their actions ended in defeat.

Interview with Militia Colonel-General Serhii Husarov, spring 2014
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On April 7, 2014, events that became decisive for Kharkiv Region and Ukraine as a whole took place in Kharkiv. Pro-Russian activists tried to storm the building of Kharkiv Regional State Administration and later create Kharkiv People's Republic. Officers and cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, led by the rector of the university, Militia Colonel-General Serhii Husarov, together with other patriots, defended the state institution, and in fact defended the freedom and independence of their homeland.

Career guidance meeting of the faculty № 6
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Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 6 Kostiantyn Sverdlin held a career guidance event at Chuguevo- Babchansky Forest College and met with the head of the institution Roman Khvorostian. The event was held to encourage future entrants to enter Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

For those who are choosing their professional path (video)
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is known not only in Kharkiv region but also in Ukraine. Every year, after leaving school, young boys and girls choose their future profession and the university in which they dream of studying. Good advice is always useful. And who can tell more convincingly and better than others about themselves and their university than cadets and students?

Attendees of primary vocational training courses graduated from KhNUIA
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs graduated 57 attendees of the primary vocational training courses for police officers of the Institute of Postgraduate Education by profession – a police officer, specialization - pre-trial investigation bodies, qualification – an investigator, an interrogator.

A career guidance meeting has been held with the students of Lokhvytsia Medical Professional College
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Yuliia Mytrofanova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6, conducted career guidance events at the Lokhvytsia Medical Professional College.

Cadets of the faculty № 1 took part in the All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference "Criminal and legal policy in Ukraine"
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The conference was held on the basis of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine with the assistance of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Criminal Law".

The School of the Young Scientist has started its work at the University
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The School of young scientist established by the Department of Scientific Work Organization together with the Scientific Society of students, cadets, listeners, postgraduates, adjunct students, doctoral students, and young scientists has started its work. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the cadets, listeners, graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students, and young scientists on the possibility of preparing scientific papers, articles, abstracts, research of basic norms and rules of working with scientific literature, information resources, archival documents, etc; as well as to acquaint applicants for higher education with scientific activities and opportunities for its implementation at the university.