Oleksii Perets, a 2022 graduate of the Faculty No. 4 (Cyber ​​Police) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, works as an inspector of the Department of Countering Cybercrimes in Khmelnytskyi Region of the Department of Cyber ​​Police of the National Police of Ukraine. All four years of study, Oleksii was actively involved in the "Analytical Center for Combating Cybercrime of KhNUIA". Recently, Oleksii Perets became a guest of the "Government and Community" program on MTRK "City". He spoke about the Telegram chatbot "StopNarkotyk | MRIYA", developed by cadets and employees of the cyber police department. After February 24, 2022, the chatbot was "mobilized" by the Cyber ​​Police Department to fight fakes and disinformation under the new name of the chatbot "StopRussia | MRIYA".https://univd.edu.ua/uk/news/13430