The vice-rector of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, doctor of legal sciences, professor Mykhailo Burdin and assistant to the rector for gender issues, associate professor, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Oksana Tsukan took part in the meeting of the General Assembly of the Horizon 2020 program project "European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age" (EQUALS-EU), Valencia (Kingdom of Spain).

The aim of the project "European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age" (EQUALS-EU) is to:

1) capacity building through multilateral partnerships that strengthen existing and formalize new networks in the field of social innovation and entrepreneurship;

2) creation of smart, sustainable and inclusive social innovation ecosystems in local communities, European cities and in non-European countries in the global North and South.

The representatives of KhNUIA reported on scientific developments regarding systemic barriers that discriminate and put women in a disadvantageous position in scientific careers and decision-making, as well as on the necessary measures for further integration of the gender dimension into local research environment, on the holding of the innovative camp "Women in safety and science", the organization of questionnaires and the meeting of focus groups "Assessment of the social innovative ecosystem of gender equality". The presentation of "Women's leadership in modern Ukraine" aroused interest.

Important information about the latest changes in EU gender policy was presented by Zhanna Landers - project officer, representative of the EU researchers and innovators team.

Due to military aggression, the summer school for future leaders of gender innovations from 24 countries of the world was moved from Kharkiv to Riga, and the representatives of KhNUVS were offered further coordination of this part of the summer school together with Latvijas zinatnu akademijas ekonomijas instituts (Republic of Latvia).