Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Corresponding Member of the National
Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine,
Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko and a team of university representatives took part
in the scientific conference Generative Artificial Intelligence and Other Challenges for Law
Enforcement Agencies in Paris, Republic of France. The conference was organized within the
framework of Horizon 2020 International research project Interacting network of intelligence and
security practitioners with industry and academia actors (NOTIONES) participating by Kharkiv
National University of Internal Affairs.
The KhNUIA representatives considered the problems that European law enforcement may face in
the near future. Special attention was paid to challenges and technological tools for detecting
disinformation and tracking the circulation of cryptocurrency.
Within the framework of NOTIONES project, KhNUIA representatives:
 Evaluate the information support of law enforcement agencies, develop recommendations
for protection against hacking in operating systems, browsers, applications, and individual
software products, etc.;
 Disseminate the experience of international cooperation of law enforcement agencies in the
field of information technologies, data protection and combating cybercrime;
 Participate in the projects development of regulatory and legal acts regulating the specified
 Conduct applied research of the educational process organization of higher education

The obtained knowledge is going to be used during the educational process at Kharkiv National
University of Internal Affairs. They are as much useful for cadets and students training of Institute of
Postgraduate Education as at the Faculty of Correspondence Studies; in scientific activity of higher
education applicants, scientific and pedagogical staff of the KhNUIA.