One of the objectives of the Horizon 2020 project "European Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age" is to create sustainable and inclusive ecosystems of social innovation in local communities, cities in Europe and non-European countries in the Global South and North. To this end, the winners of innovation hackathons and camps from 22 countries were given the opportunity to complete an incubation leadership program and participate in an international summer school in three countries: Latvia, the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Spain. Representatives of KhNUIA developed the methodological support and the program of the first week of the summer school "Modeling Transformational Leadership and Gender Equality". Oksana Tsukan, Assistant to the Rector on Gender Issues, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, conducted workshops and presentations during the first week of the international summer school. The topics of the classes were devoted to the key characteristics of gender stereotypes and solving the problem of underrepresentation of women in decision-making.
Vice-rector, Doctor of Law, Professor Mykhailo Burdin presented the fulfillment of the university's third mission during the war and presented the book "The Light in Each of Us" to the invited speakers, including a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, member of the Parliamentary Group for the Protection of Women's Interests, Doctor of Political Science Ivi Viksna AIVA, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Gunde Reire, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor Nina Linde.
Partners of the first week of the summer school: Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, GSMA (Mobile Specialty Group) and Oslo Metropolitan University.