They saved the world, and today they need help
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Chornobyl for Ukraine became a severe and exhausting test that left a deep mark not only in the memory but also in the fate of people. The tragedy affected everyone. There was an accident of impressive scale: a huge release of radiation, more than three million injured, hundreds of thousands of people left their homes.

Career guidance meetings took place in Kehychivka district of Kharkiv region
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The first-year cadet, Faculty №1 of KhNUIA Ihor Piven with the assistance of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the faculty №1 of KhNUIA conducted career guidance work in Kehychivka district of Kharkiv region. The cadet visited Kehychivka Lyceum and Medvedivka Secondary School № 3, where he met with representatives of the educational institutions' administration.

Pupils of Kharkiv School No. 90 visited the University
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High school pupils of the Secondary School No. 90 of Kharkiv visited Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs at the invitation of the management of the Faculty No. 6. The pupils got acquainted with the University, examined educational and specialized classrooms, training grounds, sports complexes, visited a shooting range, a university museum, etc.

Cybersecurity Specialist Mykyta Knysh held a lecture for cadets and university students
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A specialist in cybersecurity, a specialist in the field of web services protection and incident investigation with more than ten years of experience Mykyta Knysh conducted a review lecture on modern instruments for collecting and finding information from open internet sources for applicants of education and scientific and pedagogical staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Sumy Branch team took part in the All-Ukrainian flash mob of video readings to Lina Kostenko's birthday
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Lina Vasylivna Kostenko - poetess, publicist, public figure, belongs to those people who become legends during their lifetime. She became a legend when she boldly spoke publicly in defense of Ukrainian dissidents in the sixties, well aware that by her act she was putting a taboo on her own creativity.

Debates in English
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The Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty No1 held debates in English. The following topics were suggested for the discussion: "Life imprisonment is a more severe punishment than death penalty", "Punishment for violent crimes is more severe than the death penalty", "Punishment of minors and adults for crimes committed with extreme cruelty should be the same", "Prison does not help rehabilitate criminals".

“Police Wave” announcement
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A new episode of the “Police Wave” program airs on the Espresso TV channel on March 21, at 8.30 pm. Among the topical issues of the program is an aeromedical evacuation in action. New opportunities for saving lives are available due to the aircraft fleet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Students of Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies visited the University
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The Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6 organized a tour of the University for students of Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies. Senior Lecturer Nataliia Kobylko acquainted visitors with the structure of the police university, material and technical base.

We honor the work of the Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko (video)
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Cadets of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs joined honoring the work of the Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko on the occasion of her birthday and the celebration of World Poetry Day.

New scientific work of well-known scholars of the university
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A new monograph by well-known university scholars Valerii Sokurenko, Oleksandr Bandurka, and Volodymyr Hrechenko “Law enforcement agencies and courts in Ukraine: from Kievan Rus to the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 (historical and legal research)” has just been published (Kharkiv: Maidan, 2021, 501 p.). The monograph is devoted to the study of current problems of historical and legal science: the emergence, development and functioning of law enforcement agencies and the court for more than a thousand years of their history in Ukraine.