Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Leonid Tymchenko honored the staff and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Yurii Onyshchenko, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Faculty No. 4, Master's student and cadets of the university were awarded with the Certificate of Commendation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for participation in the creation of the web resource "Potier.NET".

Its purpose is to assist the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine in collecting information on the military who committed crimes on the territory of Ukraine, as well as to summarize information to create an objective picture of the losses of the Russian army, illegal armed groups - the so-called "DPR" and "LPR", and private military companies involved in the armed aggression against Ukraine.
Among the awardees:
Daniil Zinchenko, a student pursuing a master's degree at the Faculty No. 3;
Heorhii Alieksieiev, a cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Daryna Artiukh, a cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Kostiantyn Atamanenko, a cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Oleksandr Volynets - cadet of the Faculty No. 3;
Dmytro Hovor, cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Andrii Dmytrenko - cadet of Faculty No. 3;
Ihor Kalmykov - cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Vitalii Kulyk - cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Oleksandr Kurilkin - cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Volodymyr Malkovskyi - cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Roman Mudrovskyi - cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Vladyslav Pylypchuk - cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Nazarii Skobieiev - cadet of the Faculty No. 2;
Yurii Tkachuk - cadet of the Faculty No. 2;
Vadym Tovstyk - cadet of the Faculty No. 4;
Danylo Shopin - cadet of the Faculty No. 1;
Oleksandr Shchebetko - cadet of the Faculty No. 2;
Denys Shcherbak - cadet of the Faculty No. 3.