Career orientation interview with senior students of Korovynska school
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The lecturers of Sumy branch of KhNUIA conduct career guidance work in educational institutions of Sumy region. With the assistance of the leadership of Korovynska school grades I-III, the Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines Olena Lukianykhina and the Associate Professor of the department Svitlana Petrovska held an online career orientation meeting with high school students.

With love to the defenders of Ukraine
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Love for the Motherland, for the mother, for the native land - the best deep human feelings that enrich and make our life beautiful. Postcards and drawings of the staff children, cadets and students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for Valentine's Day were created with love for the defenders of our Ukraine.

Participants of the online module "Firearms" received certificates
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The lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, Anna Tsyrkulienko, together with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, received a certificate based on the results of successful completion of the online module "Firearms".

Career guidance meetings are ongoing in Kharkiv Regin
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Yurii Polivanov, the leading specialist of the Department of Recruiting and Organization of Career Guidance Work, held a career orientation meeting with the students of the graduating classes of the MI "Kharkiv Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training "Pravookhoronets" of Kharkiv Regional Council.

Career guidance meeting at Kharkiv Gymnasium No. 34
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Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Oleksandr Radchenko, held career guidance events at Kharkiv Gymnasium No. 34 of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv Region.

Volunteer activity of university student Oleksandr Fedchenko
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Oleksandr Fedchenko, a student of the Faculty No. 6, master of sports and world champion in kickboxing, became a volunteer since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, like many other university students. Together with his friends, he joined the Public Organization "Help 0572".

Representatives of the cadet-student Parliament held a meeting with the first-year cadets of Sumy branch
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Representatives of the cadet-student Parliament of the university held a meeting with the first-year cadets of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in Khmelnytskyi under the Academic Mobility program. The students were introduced to the structure and principles of self-government of the university.

Binary class for students in ethnopsychology 
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For psychology students of the Faculty No. 6, a binary ethnopsychology class was held on the topic "Peculiarities of the Ukrainian national mentality". It was conducted by the head of the Department of Social and Humanities, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olha Marchenko.

Binary class in the practical unit, as a component of the training of a future law enforcement officer
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As part of cooperation with the Juvenile Prevention Sector of Vinnytsia District Police Department of the MDNP of Vinnytsia Region, an on-site binary class was held for 2nd-year cadets of the Faculty No. 3 studying Psychology (psychology of juvenile prevention) in the specialized room "Child-Friendly Room" for interviewing children.

Vice-rector Oleksandr Muzychuk met with first-year cadets of Sumy branch
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As part of the academic mobility program, 75 cadets of the 1st year of Sumy branch started studying at the educational base of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in Khmelnytskyi. The vice-rector of the university, police colonel Oleksandr Muzychuk, welcomed the cadets to Podilla and held an introductory meeting with them.