Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has once again started training for future community police officers who arrived at the university from 22 regions of Ukraine. Among them are representatives of 24 units of the Main Departments of the National Police, Patrol Police Departments, and the Department of Security Police. The training is supported by ICITAP (International Criminal Investigative Training Program for Criminal Justice Agencies of the U.S. Department of Justice).

The students will be trained in general legal disciplines, premedical, tactical and firearms training, and will improve their driving skills. The educational process will be provided by the best lecturers and trainers with extensive experience. The university staff will do their best to ensure quality and productive work.
The Rector of the university, Police General of the third rank Valerii Sokurenko, addressed the audience with greetings and instructions. He noted that despite the war and other challenges, the Community Police Officer project continues to operate to make people feel safe in every corner of our country. "The police have done a lot to defeat the enemy," the Rector emphasized. "The authority of the National Police has grown significantly. Law enforcement officers perform many new functions for themselves - they are engaged in demining, evacuation, help citizens with medicines, food, communication, etc. And the way our citizens perceive the state of Ukraine depends on how well-trained, honest, decent, and conscientiously they are in performing their duties." The Rector also emphasized that the students of the courses observe discipline, law and order and called on them to be an example for the cadets studying at the university.
After the solemn meeting, the Vice-Rector of the University, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, gave the students a briefing. On the same day, the police started classes as scheduled.