University cadet Oleksandra Kulak became a participant of the International "Transformational Leadership and Role Modeling of Gender Equality" school organized by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs along with partners HEI as GSMA, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) and Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (IE LAS).

Participants from 21 countries gained the opportunity to attended lectures and seminars on topics: "Eliminating isolation and promoting women's digital rights" and "The power of technology, and innovation through gender perspective".

In addition, they managed to learn from experts in the field of transformational leadership and gender equality.

The Latvian Academy of Sciences, the House of Sciences of the University of Latvia, the Gender Center, a research center of the Geneva Higher Institute, Campus of the University of Valens, Faculty of Geography and History, and the Cultural Center of the University of La Nau shared opportunity to be called the main event locations during three weeks.

In conclusion, Oleksandra Kulak presented a project based on course knowledge and received a certificate of successful completion of the program.

The International school was organized within the framework of the EQUALS-EU project, financed by the European Union program for research and innovation Horizon 2020 in accordance with the grant agreement №101006396