The team of "Equal Opportunities of KhNUIA" actively participates in the meetings of Kharkiv Region 1325 Coalition, which aims to implement the Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" for the period up to 2025.

The Coalition has proven the effectiveness and popularity of its work by constant expansion and acceptance of interested organizations members. Coalition members involved in security audit of Valkyvska and Bezliudivska amalgamated territorial community reported on the final stage of the process. The participants of the event also shared their experience of visiting Khmelnytskyi region, where they get information about local Coalition work. In turn, the Coalition Coordinator informed about the corresponding visit of Lviv Coalition representatives to Kharkiv region.
Among other issues, the Coalition is preparing to hold annual events within the framework of the "Days against Violence" World Campaign, to which the Kharkiv National University of
Internal Affairs plans to join.