Nadiia Serhiienko, a specialist of the International Cooperation Department, representative of the Equal Opportunities team of KhNUIA, took part in the training "Discrimination. Signs, Types, Causes and Mechanisms of Protection", which was made possible by the partnership of the International Organization for Freedom House in Ukraine, NGO "Kyiv Educational Center "Space of Tolerance".

The chairman of the board of the public organization, trainer Myroslav Hrynberh combined the informational part with practical exercises. In the theoretical blocks, the training participants considered the definition of discrimination, its forms and types, as well as the mechanisms of protection against its manifestations. In the active part, tests were taken and exercises were performed for a deeper understanding and elaboration of these concepts. The participants, among whom were representatives of IDPs and public associations, shared personal stories of negative and positive experiences of overcoming discrimination in modern Ukrainian society, actively communicated, answered and asked questions. By training results, Nadiia Serhiienko received a Certificate.