Svitlana Popova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs met with Valentyn Kiiashko, Director of the Krasnohrad Agricultural Technical School named after F.Ya. Tymoshenko and Nadiia Khoreshko, Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Svitlana Popova also visited the Krasnohrad Educational Complex No. 3 and met with Director Hryhorii Koshuba and with Class Teacher of the 11th grade Marharyta Hruzinova.

Svitlana Popova told about the prospects, forms of education, as well as the advantages of obtaining higher education at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, during the meeting with college graduates and high school students of the educational complex. The representative of the university showed a video about the university and introduced the children to the specialties in which specialists are trained, explained the rules of admission to the university.