A representative of the French company conducts training at Kremenchuk Flight College A representative of the French company conducts training at Kremenchuk Flight College

A five-day training course on Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) has been started at Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The lecturer is Jose Luis Enriquez Martin, the representative of Airbus Helicopters Company (French Republic).

Participation in webinars contributes to personal development and improvement of teaching competencies Participation in webinars contributes to personal development and improvement of teaching competencies

Olena Lukianykhina, Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of  Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, took part in several webinars. The first was "De-escalation Techniques for Police". It was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of KhNUIA in cooperation with the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Field Office Kharkiv.

Graduation of students from the initial professional training courses for police officers took place at KhNUIA Graduation of students from the initial professional training courses for police officers took place at KhNUIA

Celebrations on the occasion of the graduation of students from the initial professional training courses for police officers took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. At the beginning of the event, with a minute of silence, those present honored the patriotism, courage, and heroism of those, who gave their lives for the unity and independence of Ukraine; and laid flowers at the monument to law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.

Binary classes of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings Binary classes of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings

Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings Larysa Krasytska and Associate Professor of the same department Olha Avramova together with a lawyer, a graduate of the faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Anastasiia Moseichuk, conducted binary classes for the full-time and part-time students of the faculty №6 on the “Modern problem of civil law and procedure "and "Housing law" academic subjects.

Kremenchuk Flight College took part in the International Mathematical Competition “Kangaroo” Kremenchuk Flight College took part in the International Mathematical Competition “Kangaroo”

For a number of years in a row, Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA has been an active participant in the International Mathematical Competition “Kangaroo”, in which students in the junior age group take part. The coordinator of the International Competition from the College is Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The reading room of the Students’ Council of faculty No.6 has been organized The reading room of the Students’ Council of faculty No.6 has been organized

The administration of faculty No. 6 together with the Students’ Board organized a reading room in the premises of the Students’ Council. The management and the staff of faculty No. 6 handed over more than 100 copies of books of historical, psychological, adventure, detective, science fiction, and other genres.

Applicants for higher education of Sumy branch of KhNUIA were acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of juvenile prevention officers Applicants for higher education of Sumy branch of KhNUIA were acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of juvenile prevention officers

Associate professor of the Humanities Department Yuliia Samoilova and senior lecturer Zoriana Mokhonok conducted a binary class together with the head of the MDNP juvenile prevention department of Sumy region, Lieutenant Colonel of police Serhii Tarasenko for the 2nd year students as a part of learning foreign languages.

The draw of Sumy City Futsal Cup among amateurs has started The draw of Sumy City Futsal Cup among amateurs has started

The draw of Sumy City Futzal Cup among amateurs has started. In the 1/8 finals, the team of Sumy branch of KhNUIA met with the team "Bon Voyage". According to the results of the match, the team of Sumy Branch won with a score of 2:1 and advanced to the quarterfinals of the Cup.

Binary avionics class Binary avionics class

Yurii Stushchanskyi, a lecturer of Avionics Subdivision of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with Serhii Vermenych, an engineer of maintenance, repair, and diagnostics of aviation equipment of the aviation and technical base of the college, conducted a binary lesson on the subject “Avionics”.

Training on anti-corruption legislation Training on anti-corruption legislation

On March 25, 2021, at 9:45 on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs regional one-day training on the basic provisions of anti-corruption legislation will take place.