The textbook "Psychological-pedagogical and legal principles of police activities for the protection of children's rights" was published under the general editorship of Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Dmytro Shvets. The publication was prepared by a team of authors: Shvets D, Bandurka I, Bandurka O, Fedorenko O, Dzhahupov G, Miloradova N, Kharchenko S, Dotsenko V, Makarova O, Chervonyi P.

The textbook is devoted to psychological, pedagogical and legal aspects of children's rights protection, features of response and crimes prevention against childhood and juvenile delinquency.

The manual will be useful for cadets, students, psychologists and teaching staff of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of various police departments (juvenile prevention, patrolling police, and district police officers).