Business contacts have been established with Spain
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Representatives of the Kremenchuk Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Olexander Kozenko, a specialist in the research laboratory for aircraft
modernization, and Yevhen Dmytriev, a computer engineer at the training complex, led by Vice- Rector Volodymyr Shulha, visited the company “Indra” (Spain).

University cadets are among the winners of the XIV Kharkiv regional competition of student’s research papers
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University cadets are among the winners of the XIV Kharkiv regional competition of student’s research papers in natural, technical and human sciences, which is held by the Board of Rectors Higher Educational Institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in Kharkiv region.

Studying the European experience of crime investigation
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Cadets of Faculty № 2 and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the online webinar "Investigation of crimes related to human trafficking". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the University with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission.

Welcome to the discussion «UN75 dialogue»!
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A large-scale event "UN75 dialogue" is taking place in the world to mark the 75th Anniversary of the UN.

OSCE training "Psychological support (psychological rehabilitation) in extreme situations" has started at the University
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A five-day training "Psychological support (psychological rehabilitation) in extreme situations" has started at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. It is part of the joint project of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Improving the training capacity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on psychological support in extreme situations" and implementing the Action Plan for the Development Strategy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine until 2020.

For a healthy lifestyle
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is holding events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

First-year students have got acquainted with the KhNUIA library
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The KhNUIA library conducted excursions for first-year cadets of all faculties.

First-year students have got acquainted with Kharkiv
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Guided tours “Kharkiv is a city, where I study”, started for first-year students, these tours were organized with the support of the trade union organization of the university. Tours were supplied by comfortable buses and they were conducted while meeting quarantine requirements. The previously-developed route included the main historical-cultural and architectural monuments and recognized symbols of Kharkiv.

The cadets of the university got acquainted with the peculiarities of the Finnish police work
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Third-year cadets of Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with Larysa Sazanova and Anatolii Korshenko, senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1, took part in the webinar "Protection of police officers’ rights during their tasks (Finnish approach)". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the KhNUIA with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine.

A three-day webinar on "Human Rights" from the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine ended in KhNUIA
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An online seminar on "Human Rights" was held for the scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The main speaker of the event was Saer Ammar, an expert on the rule of law of the Kharkiv Representation of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine.