An online meeting of the Scientific Circle "VERITAS" of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA was held with the participation of Tetiana Herashchenko, Head of the Circle, Associate Professor, cadets and students of the educational institution. The topic of the meeting was "The Sphere of the Unconscious and Human Behavior."

The participants examined the concept evolution of the unconscious that was the result of various ways of penetrating the spiritual depths of a person developed in philosophical teachings. Platon defined cognition as a recollection associated with the idea of the presence in the soul of hidden, unconscious knowledge. R. Dekart proceeded from the identity of the psyche and consciousness. According to these, the idea that outside the consciousness only physiological processes occur was invented.

Considerable attention was paid to the concepts of Freid and Yunh, at the meeting. Z. Freid insisted that the unconscious was primary in relation to consciousness and determined it. K. Yunh developed the concept of the collective unconscious. The participants of the meeting examined the understanding of unconscious actions by representatives of the theory of romanticism (A. Shopenhauer, F. Nitsshe, E. Hartman). Philosophers put forward their concept of the unconscious, considering it as the will in nature, the source of life, the spontaneous spring of life, which was opposed by the helpless consciousness.

The manifestation of unconscious aspirations in human behavior was emphasized during the active discussion. The participants of the meeting offered to continue research on this issue and share the results of scientific research at the XII All-Ukrainian International Scientific and Practical Conference of Applicants for Higher Education, which will be held at Sumy Branch of KhNUIA in April 2021.