Problems of freshmen adaptation in studying at a higher education institution
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Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted an online round table "Problems of freshmen adaptation in studying at a higher education institution" with the participation of a psychologist of the human resources and teachers-curators.

Meeting with a book
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Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the book exhibition of new acquisitions to the university library, which presents Monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, encyclopedic reference and periodicals. 

Cooperation of KhNUIA with the employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine.
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is continuously evolving, creating decent conditions for the training of law enforcement personnel in Ukraine. Recently, the
representatives of the State Border Service of Ukraine conducted complex training course on the base of the University.

Science Horizons
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Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Philology, Professor Ihor Chornyi took part in several
scientific events by modern technologies (Zoom and 

Reference book “Prison population of countries around the world” was published
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The reference book “Prison population of countries around the world” (Kharkiv: Panov, 2020, 474 p.), compiled by Doctors of Law, Professors of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksii Lytvynov and Serhii Denysov was published. The reference book contains information about the main categories of arrested and convicted in different countries around the world. All data are systematized using tables and charts. The publication consists of two basic units, containing statistics, brief summary of a state and

Gender-based budgeting for community development
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Representatives of the Research Department of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences and Natalia Dovbysh, Inspector, completed a course on the educational online platform "Prometheus" on "Gender-based budgeting for community development".

Career guidance work of KhNUIA employees among schoolchildren
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Oleksandr Yukhno, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Organization of Pre-trial Investigation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Tetyana Kuzubova, Senior Lecturer of the Department, conducted career guidance activities at the secondary school № 74 in Kharkiv.

The Dean of the Faculty held a working meeting with the MA students
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Oksana Brusakova, Dean of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a working meeting with the MA students. She congratulated the participants on the beginning of the new school year, wished to be inspired, disciplined and to make every effort to achieve quality education.

ІСАО English is an essential component of flight safety
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A meeting of a scientific circle of a cycle committee of philological disciplines “ICAO English is an essential component of flight safety” under the guidance of English lecturer Liudmyla Chyzhova was held in Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

First-year students got acquainted with the history of creation and establishment of KhNUIA
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First-year students of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, headed by the curator Olga Sevidova, lecturer of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, visited the museum of the University. The excursion was conducted by the specialist of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work Andrii Prohorov.