Representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Maryna Petchenko, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Head of the Scientific Department and Oleksandr Bazyk, the Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Research Scientist of the Scientific Department, joined the Forum of Progressive People “Look into 2021: Knowing How to Overcome Crises” in the remote mode.

The forum was attended by government officials, representatives of the NGO sector, the scientific community, and partner organizations.

The event was divided into blocks:

  • politics (quality of work of politicians, the role of women in politics, gender quotas, the effectiveness of the fight against the pandemic, forecasts for 2021);
  • economy (gender aspects, the level of savings and resources of the state to survive quarantine, economic stability and support of the social sphere, forecasts for 2021);
  • education (current state of the Ukrainian higher education system, criteria for ideal education, how Ukrainian education adapts to learning in quarantine conditions, forecasts for 2021);
  • special topics (key newsmakers, the position of the most powerful countries in the world, how international partners plan to cooperate with Ukraine, the work of public organizations).

The acquired knowledge and skills will be implemented by the participants of the forum in research work and activities planned for the science department at the college in 2021.


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs