Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of the University, awarded the employees and cadets of the University during the meeting of the Academic Council. For exemplary performance of official duties, personal initiative and dedication, high professionalism the following people were awarded:
Departmental Incentive Award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine - Award Pin “FOR PEOPLE`S SECURITY” - Serhii FEDUN, Head of the Department of Advanced Training and Specialization of the Institute of Postgraduate Education;

Departmental Incentive Award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine – GRATITUDE:
* Roman LAZARYEV, Engineer of the Municipal and Operational Department;
* Mykhailo VOLOBUYEV, a cadet of the Faculty № 1, police officer;
*  Ihor SALIONOV, cadet of the Faculty № 1, police officer.
For many years of honorable service, the Departmental Incentive Award of the National Police of Ukraine was awarded:

medal «20 years of honorable service»
* Serhii SHATRAVА, Head of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Police Activity Ensuring, lieutenant colonel of police;
* Serhii MARCHYSHYN, Head of the Division of Practical Training of the Educational and Methodical Department, Police Major;

medal «10 years of honorable service»
* Davyd SIMONOVYCH, Head of the Department of Organization of Educational and Scientific Training, Police Major;
* Olha SOPOVА, Deputy Head of the Information Security Department, Police Major;
* Anton FESYK, Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Support, Рolice Сaptain;

For significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, many years of conscientious work and a high level of professionalism was announced:
GRATITUDE of the Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration – to Dmytro BONDARENKO, specialist of the Faculty № 2, Senior Police Lieutenant;
GRATITUDE of the Chairman of Kharkiv Regional Council – to Anatolii KLOCHKО, Vice-Rector of the University;

Were awarded:
Certificate of Merit of the Ukrainian Law Union– to Illia KLOCHKO, Leading Specialist of the Department of Organizational-Analytical Work and Control;
Certificate of Merit of Kharkiv Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Law Union:
* Oksana BRUSAKOVА, Dean of the Faculty № 6;
* Yurii BUTKО, Specialist of the Faculty № 2, Police Major ;
* Oleksandr HORDIYENKО, Leading Specialist of the Faculty № 1, Police Lieutenant;
* Serhii HIRENKО, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Faculty №2;

Gratitude of Kharkiv Regional Organization of the Ukraine Lawyers Union was announced to:
* Artem POTOPALSKYI, Deputy Head of the Department of Advanced Training and Specialization of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Senior Police Lieutenant;
* Olha HETMANETS, Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty №6;

Diplomas and certificates were awarded to:
in accordance with the decision of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the scientific degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences was awarded to:
* Oleksandr MORHUNOV - Doctor of Legal Sciences in the specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; financial law; information law;
* Mykola MARCHUK - Doctor of Legal Sciences in the specialty 12.00.02 – constitutional law; municipal law.

Oleksandr SHLOMIN was awarded with scientific degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 19.00.06 - Legal Psychology, in accordance with the decision of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

In accordance with the decision of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 08 "LAW" in the specialty 081 "LAW" was awarded to:
* Kostiantyn ZAYATS. The defense took place in a Specialized Academic Council DF 64,700,010;
* Olesia PONOMARENKO. The defense took place in a Specialized Academic Council SRDF 64,700,012.

In accordance with the decision of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the Academic Ranks were awarded to:
* Lidiia KALYENICHENKO - Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law;
* Mykola HOLUB - Associate Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics;
* Andrii DYADIN - Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Science;
* Vitalii ROMANYUK - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation;
* Anastasiia KLYMENKO - Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law;
* Oleksandra KOCHURА - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology;
* Tetiana SHEVCHUK - Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology.