An employee of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Valeriia Budnik conducted career guidance work in Orikhiv Branch No. 3 of Municipal Institution “Support Institution of General Secondary Education “Suziriia” of Orikhiv Municipal Council of Zaporizhzhia Region. Pupils were shown a video and photos from various aspects of learning and life at the university, including a meeting of the scientific circle of the Department, a video of a lecture given by the Head of the Department Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko, as well as one of the amateur performances of the Faculty, an active participant of which was Valeriia herself during her student days, when she was studying at the university. Printed information materials about Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs were provided. Diverse and interesting information about the university aroused genuine interest of pupils and the desire to enter the university.